Recruiting Services

Maritime recruiting made simple and fast

Outsource the the recruitment and selection of your next hire to the JobWave team.

Only pay the success fee when you hire!

Looking for the right talent?

Whether you are looking for new talent or experienced crew, our team knows where to find them!

Save time and money

Reduce the time needed to fill your vancancy and only pay the success fee when you make the hire.

Recruit the best talent

Connect with pre-screened and interview-ready candidates delivered by our team.

All Rankings and positions

From inland to offshore, and from sailor to project manager: all maritime industry jobs

How our Recruiting service works

Dedicated Jobwave Recruiter

One of our talent managers will be touch to discuss the exact requirements for the new hire with you.

Active sourcing

Our talent managers will actively go through our userbase to identify potential candidates.

Pre-screening and interviewing

We will deliver pre-filtered and pre-screened candidates based on the job requirements directly to your hiring manager.

Hiring and success fee

Only when the delivered candidates lead to a hire will the success fee be charged. The success fee varies between 10 and 25% of the annual contract renumeration, depending on the rank and scarcity of the applicants.

Powered by JobWave Platfom Technology

Matching Algorythm

Our marching engine will recognise and suggest the job to the best fitting applicants on the platform.

Premium Job ad

Our team will publish a premium job ad on our platform for the position, and promote the job on our social media channels.

Tracking dashboard

The JobWave Dashboard provides the tools to keep track of which applicants are still in the hiring pipeline.

Not sure which package suits your business?

Schedule a call with us, and we'll discuss your situation and what we can offer you.

Schedule a call